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#E::bgzf| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

How was this file produced? It's probable that it's corrupted in some manner, and one common cause of this is accidentally mixing stdout and stderr together (eg due to using samtools view ... > file.bam instead of samtools view -o file.bam ... inconjunction with a batch submission system and/or nohup).

You could attempt to view the file at that offset to see if it's anythijng obvious, such as human readable text error messages. Eg hd -s 88258444 File_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam | less.

Note quickcheck, as indicated by its name, is a very rudimentary check that looks for the start and end of file to be correct. It's not going to notice a data corruption somewhere in the middle.




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